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List of 2021 Legislative Demands
This is a list of 9 bills the Minnesota Coalition put together. although none of these bills are a silver bullet to ending police brutality, they are a great first step to creating police accountability. Most of these bills have been jacketed and some have already had hearings. We need all of your support to make sure we get these bills across the finish line.
Ending Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Deaths
This bill will eliminate the statute of limitations for wrongful death civil suits, enabling families of people killed by police to seek justice. Has 5 year look back, also eliminates Statue of Limitation’s for sexual assault by Police.
Police Professional Liability Insurance
This bill will create a requirement for law enforcement officers to carry professional liability insurance as a condition of employment. Employing agencies may pay the base but any additional premiums based on officer conduct will be the officer’s responsibility.
Civilian Oversight Strengthened
This bill will repeal MN Stat. 626.89, subd. 17 which prohibited civilian oversight bodies from making findings of fact in complaints against police.
Access to BWC Footage Within
48 Hours
This bill allows families, and or their legal representative access within 48 hours to unredacted body-worn camera footage in police critical incidents.
Ending Police-Only Responses to Mental Health Crisis Calls
This bill would End Police-Only Responses to Mental Health Crisis Calls.
Qualified Immunity
This bill will end qualified immunity as a legal defense for police misconduct.
Independent Investigatory and Prosecutory Body
This Bill creates an Independent Investigatory and Prosecutory Body for officer involved critical incidents.
End Prosecution for Reporting Police Misconduct
Ends Prosecution for Reporting Police Misconduct. (609.505, subd. 2)
End No Knock Warrants
This bill will prohibit police officers from obtaining no knock warrants except under narrow circumstances.
